So got together collectively and decided that that day we would all do some personal research and on the day discuss what we found and compare the research.
I actually had to go to Ninewells ( a local hospital) that night, so with this advantage i took the time to ask the doctor on why he thinks men don't go to the doctor that much and later on went home to look at some statistics online. When we spoke about it a lot of people did come up with a lot of similar information. Either it was embarrassing for them or some facts such as 'more women get skin cancer than men, but more men die of it'. Jennifer produced something that was rather interesting and another few people did also.
In the Morning
We all met up in the morning and sat together in a circular desk and listening to what everyone had researched, we collected all this evidence. After the discussion we all went into pairs and each pair went around Dundee with 1 of the 3 research methods we came up with.
Influence chart
This was one i had been assigned to , the way it worked is we would go around the streets of Dundee City centre and ask men ' which of these women would you take advise from when regarding health advise? And we would tick the women who they mentioned. it was a quick and easy method and you didn't feel you were hassling people.
Chart Interview.
This was involved questions to men regarding their attitude towards going to the doctors. The strategy was while they were asking these questions, they would get more in depth answers and personal stories.
Body Concerns.
This included a black outline of the male body, women would mark the areas that would worry her most if he were having pain there. They would approach women on the street and ask them to circle on the outline of the male figurine. This tool appeared to e useful and the drawing method began to strike conversations with the subject, this appeared to be a more intimate approach.
I had an interview with a company for my GIDE project, but having a little time i went with My team jennifer and Lynsey around Dundee City with the influence chart asking males what women what influence them. Most men were cooperative, but i seemed it restricted talking to them more about the subject as it was just one simple question and they would answer and leave because you didn't have their attention for long. Some of them would associate the celebrity to the women rather than the name.
The Results
When this was complete we had all arranged to meet a certain time and got together to discuss our morning research results.It appeared that some of the influence charts are not the results that we predicted. When people were doing the influence chart we were asking men of different ages and i suppose anyone that would get our attention. we then discussed it may have been better to focus on the age group given. Had we stuck to this and focused on the age group stated in the brief and were contestant in doing so the results may have come out differently. (For example most of thee men who mentioned their mum or friend were 18-30. The men who said wife were 35+ and the men over sixty would say their daughter.) This would have been because the stage men were at in their life's, for example a 18-30 year old are very unlikely to say their wife's as most men would not be married.
The group doing the body chart found out that the main areas that women were concerned about were the heart, joints and head areas. And the group doing the questionnaires said that men were more likely to wait until their conditions got serious before they would actually do anything
Brainstorming And Mind mapping
We then watched a video on youtube about a wife constantly nagging at her husband, which he kept on ignoring, but it was done in a humorous way not an argumentative way and an element of fun was used we felt that we would like to use this to our advantage.
One idea that came from this was women looking at a mans symptoms on the NHS website, and he was pretending not to take any notice or not bother. When she walks off he quickly goes to look at the laptop behind her back. The idea being he does it when she is not looking, as he doesn't her to make a fuss. Tag line being '' it does make a difference.''
Afternoon session
After lunch we did some quick persona's based on our research.
We kept these in mind for our campaign .
We decided to to combine some ideas together relating back to the girlfriend placing notes everywhere, but also focus on the comedy factor. It seemed there was a lot of people with different opinions and it took us a while to come up with a final idea. Some of the illustration students drew up the final product ad the others discussed the advertising pitch and other possible advertising tactile tat would link with our pitch. We all agreed on a strapline to '' eventually hell get the message.'' which we then later presented in the evening
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